Over the past few years, surfing has seen a remarkable boom in the UK and because of this, so has the demand for gifts for surfers. The allure of riding the waves along the stunning British coastline has captured the hearts of many. From the powerful breaks of Cornwall to the rugged beauty of Scotland's surf spots, the UK offers a diverse and exciting surfing experience. If you have a surf fanatic in your life and are clueless about what surfers truly want and need, you've come to the right place. This blog will guide you in finding the perfect gifts for surfers, tailored to the UK surfing audience.

Gifts for Surfers: Riding the Wave of Appreciation

Gifts for surfers are more than just items; they are gestures of admiration for their unwavering passion for the ocean waves. When you're looking to surprise someone devoted to the thrill of surfing, selecting the right gift for surfers can be an enjoyable challenge. Throughout this guide, you'll discover the best gifts for surfers, ensuring that you capture the essence of their hobby and lifestyle.

Which Gifts Should You Give Your Surfer Friend?

a man laughs on the beach with his surfboard

When considering gifts for surfers, it's crucial to understand their unique lifestyle, their profound connection to the ocean, and their relentless quest for that perfect wave. Here are some carefully curated ideas that could not only complement their surfing journey but also ignite the flames of their passion.

The 7 Best Gifts for Surfers

1. Wax Comb and Surf Wax

Price: Starting at £4.00
Available on Amazon UK
These items are non-negotiable essentials for any surfer. A fresh bar of high-quality surf wax and a sturdy wax comb can significantly enhance a surfer's board grip and performance, making a substantial difference in their overall session.

2. Surfboard Repair Kit

Price: Varies
Board Shop offers a detailed article about the best surfboard repair kits and claims they've been 100% tested by surfers.
No surfer likes to see dings or cracks on their cherished board, which often holds countless memories of waves conquered and challenges faced. A comprehensive repair kit can be a thoughtful gesture, offering a solution to common board issues making it a surfing gift they'll use for years to come.

3. An Airline Voucher

Price: Choose your budget
Available on Flightgift
Every surfer dreams of riding the waves at iconic surf spots worldwide. Flightgift offers a unique way to gift a flight, allowing surfers to chase waves across the globe by booking flights to their dream destinations from top UK spots or far-flung destinations like South Africa, Bali or even Australia. You can check out the incredible choice of Flightgift airline vouchers on their Redeem page.

4. Surfing Books

a woman reads a surfing book by the sea in the evening
Price: Varies
Available in bookshops like Waterstones or online retailers like Good Reads (or even good old Amazon)
Whether it's a biography of a legendary surfer or a guide to the best surf spots in the UK, a good surfing book can inspire their next wave. Here are three highly recommended surfing books guaranteed to please any surfing fanatic.

5. Surfer Necklace

a surfer wears a surfer necklace included in the list of gifts for surfers
Price: Varies
Available at surf shops and online retailers
A surfer necklace, often made of materials like wood, shells, or semi-precious stones, embodies the spirit of the ocean and represents the surfer's connection to the sea. It's a deeply personal gift that keeps the love for the waves close to heart.

6. A Changing Mat for Wetsuits

Price: Varies
Available at surf shops and online retailers
A changing mat for wetsuits is an essential accessory that often gets overlooked. It provides a clean surface for surfers to change on, protects wetsuits, and makes transport easy making it a thoughtful and practical gift for surfers.

7. Surf Hoodie

Price: Varies
Available at surf shops and online retailers
Early morning surf sessions can be chilly- especially in the UK. A surf hoodie not only keeps surfers warm but also showcases their identity and love for surfing. With graphics of waves, surfboards, or popular surf brands, it's a stylish and practical gift for surfers.

Which One of these Gifts for Surfers Will You Choose?

a woman surfs the waves
When trying to buy a gift for your loved one, the first thing you think about are their hobbies right? Then it makes sense that if you have a special surfer in your life that you should opt for a unique, surfing gift. Gifts for surfers should resonate with their love for the ocean and the sport and empower them to dive into their favourite hobby even more. Whether you opt for tangible items like surf wax or an experience through Flightgift, the essence lies in appreciating their dedication to the waves. With these suggestions tailored to the UK surfing scene, you're sure to ride the wave of their gratitude.